Grant Application Requirements

Thank you for your interest in securing a grant through the Portage Foundation. Our annual grant cycle opens in the summer, and potential applicants are invited to attend an application workshop to best prepare their submission.  The Foundation will also consider applications throughout the year depending on fund availability and emergency status. Applications outside of the traditional cycle, or those wishing to prepare ahead of our normal cycle opening, should include the information found below.

Questions about the application or grant cycles should be directed to Heidi Johnson, Community Engagement Manager, at


Completing a Grant with the Portage Foundation

Organization Information

  • Legal Name for your non-profit organization
  • Address for your non-profit organization

Contact Information

  • Name, phone number and email address for the Executive Director or CEO of your organization
  • Name, phone number and email address for the Primary Contact person of the program for which the grant would fund

Project Title

  • Title of the program for which funding is being sought
  • Federal Tax ID # for your non-profit organization
  • Certification that you are a registered 501(c)(3) organization [NOTE: you will be required to furnish a copy of the IRS letter should a grant award be issued]
  • Amount Requested


  • Mission statement of your organization
  • You may also upload a copy of documents showcasing your organization or mission such as an annual report

Focus Area

  • Select the Portage Foundation Funding Priority Area that best matches your program

Project Description

  • Brief description of the project (including goals, objectives, timelines, and measurable outcomes) (Limit 500 words)
  • Statement of need – including background data if possible, if there is an urgent need, or if the request is a time-limited opportunity (Limit 500 words)
  • Target population – Population served and specific connections to Portage County (Limit 500 words)
  • Collaboration (indicate agencies you will collaborate with and/or coordinate the delivery of services – if any) (Limit 500 words)
  • Evaluation Plan – How will you determine your short/long-term success as a result of project? (Limit 500 words)
  • Optional : Other supporting information – Is the request innovative or novel? What is the sustainability of the project? Note: You may embed hyperlinks to provide additional information (Limit 500 words)


  • Include an itemized list, including per unit cost, for your budget
  • Itemized list must equal your total request
  • You may also upload a budget spreadsheet for more detailed budget requests or other budgetary information

Supplemental Materials

  • Upload any additional materials that you feel would be beneficial for Grant Committee members to know when evaluating your request


  • Name of the person submitting the grant proposal
  • Date of submission
  • Certification by submitter that all information is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge

Your legacy, OUR mission.

Create a lasting impact on your most cherished causes while gaining tax benefits for yourself. Contact us today and help build a brighter future.