Portage Foundation Operations Fund

The Portage Foundation Operations Fund supports the function of our organization. As a non-profit entity, we rely on the generosity of donors like you. Your donations allow us to continue our work in connecting community members with the causes they most care about.

Portage Foundation Fund for Education

diverse group of children reading books

The Portage Foundation fund for Education supports the programs and non-profit organizations that focus on programming at all age levels. Previous grant recipients include children’s literacy programs, STEM programs, adult and veteran programming.

The Portage Foundation Arts & Culture Fund

a diverse group of people of a variety of ages and abilities are sketching together in an arts class

The Arts and Culture Fund at the Portage Foundation supports the arts & cultural programs and organizations of our the area. Funds are distributed during our annual grant cycle to Portage County nonprofits and programs. Grant recipients are selected based on recommendations of our Grants Committee and approval of the Board of Trustees. Donations to …

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Historic South End Fund

Historic South End Fund An Agency Endowment Fund The Historic South End Fund is an Agency Endowment fund set up through the Portage Foundation. This organization uses funds to continue the health, education, and economic opportunities for the Historic South End area of Kent, Ohio. One area of focus for the fund is the continued …

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